





China generally has a traditional psychological, that there is room to have a home. Have a nest of their own, even if the small can feel at ease, as if also have a sense of belonging and home. Because of this, in recent years, China 's housing market will be so popular, buy a lot of people' s life struggle to become the goal. But in fact, in foreign countries, most people may not have their own house for life, but will choose to rent. If they stay tired of a place for a long time, you can always rent out the house, moved to another place, very free and easy. The following is a British student about the British concept of the house and views.

I rented the first place in the UK, the landlord is our marketing department of a brand manager, a 30-year-old single woman.

Her house is a townhouse with two floors. In front of only a small garden, because she did not have time to take care of; behind a small yard, for drying clothes. The first floor is the living room, living room and kitchen.There are four rooms on the second floor, the largest one she lived, and then two bedrooms were leased to me and a college student, there is a study, relatively small, next to her room. On the day of arrival, she said that in addition to her and another tenant's room, the other room I casually enter and use, as long as the clean and tidy just fine. Utilities are all included in the rent. I found the same day, every bedroom is no bolt, we can only cover the door and sleep, this includes the landlord's own room. Obviously, she bought the house this is owner-occupied, may have never thought about going to the strange tenants who modified the door lock it.

On weekends, she went to Manchester to visit her boyfriend, and college students are always out partying, come back late. I grew up to no one slept a room in the school dormitory, at home is my parents room, a small attic, this one guarding a big house, scared to death. I often hard to see the tape, in order to wait for college students back! Finally one day, wait until two o'clock, and he did not return, I sleep too sleepy to sleep, stairs and corridor lights are deliberately not turned off. Early the next morning, someone knocked on my vanity door, I got up and ran to the room in front of sleepy eyes, apparently college students playing out all night just back."Why did not you turn off the lights last night?" I said, for fear of the darkness, but said I forgot, he said, "We are an island in the UK, with very scarce resources, and you will not waste it in the future," he said solemnly.Ah! "I heard Yileng Yi Leng, and this off a light have risen to the energy level - I humbly nodded. A week after the weekend, he was out, actually reminded me to forget to turn off the lights!

Gradually big house living habits, and not afraid of the black. Just as I dreamed of settling in a big house for a whole year, the landlord told me that she sold the house, the job also resigned, to go to Manchester City to get married.

I thought, work and the house are big things. Into the Chinese people, so how couples have to separate the two for some time and then from the long term, but for her unexpectedly is a proposal in the weekend after the decision. This house that sell to sell, it seems no one thought and lived a house it.

On the house thing, then finally heard the real English version. A friend took me to see her parents living in a cottage on the outskirts of the famous city of York. In addition to the old couple 's room, the other two rooms are packed into rooms, such as adult children or guests to the time can be spent the night, the house is a small garden. When I went to a guest, asked the elderly, you must have a house in the city, right? The old man opened the chatterbox: "This house is bought after retirement, the mortgage is three years.This is our fourth house, but We have never had a house.When we got married, we bought a set of two rooms, and gave birth to a child after the three-bedroom replaced, regeneration and a four-bedroom replaced, and now they are away from home, and we retired , On the outskirts of the three-bedroom, Christmas is back enough to live Oh. Every time the mortgage is three decades, it has been for so, for, but never had. Now we estimate that death is not Will have a house it! "Said the old man, hearty laugh.

Have a happy family life, the original and "have" a house is not much relationship. The British free and easy on the house, is from the island's cultural openness and mobility, or mature capitalist society, financial endowment insurance system?

We have seen, we should have lamented it! Let the younger generation, may also wish to learn from them, do not be the house, the car was overwhelmed!


My opinion on the monarch in England

It’s known to us all, that there are still kings or queens in England, different from many other countries. What is rational is actual and what is actual is rational. So, let’s figure out the reasons for that.

Reason 1. By searching in Baidu, I know that the king or queen of the Great Britain is also the leader of Canada, Australia and so on to some extent at the same time, for they are in the Commonwealth of Nations. They need a common leader who has a respectable identity to region and show their continuity in politics.

Reason 2. Once given a chance to England , I would not miss to see the soldiers beside the palace. So do many people. It’s exactly the charm of royalty. I wonder what a big loss the tourism of England will suffer once there were no longer king or queen.

Reason 3. the monarch also has it cultural meaning. We know there are many special parades in England which has some thing to do with monarch. And they need a person to be regarded as their god or goddess for solidarity.

All in all, monarch do benefit the England in politics, economic, and culture. That’s exactly why the monarch exists in the great Britain .







关于2023儿童节快乐说说 六一发朋友圈祝福语

1、没有香水,没有首饰,也不涂指甲油。没有香烟,没有钱夹,也不带银行卡。让我们回归最天然的童真,不戴面具,真心的踏实的好好体验一个儿童节吧! 2、微笑,在花枝绽放;童趣,在蝴蝶的翅膀招摇;成长,伸进幸福的土壤,汲取着营养;梦想,像蒲公英蓝天飞翔;童年美好,六一愿你找回童趣,快乐徜徉。 3、可曾记得童年飞舞的风筝,可曾记得童年飞驰的滑轮,可曾记得童

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19

关于2023年端午节快乐祝福语 适合端午节发朋友圈的说说

1、 端午到,惊喜到!愿看短信的你,在这个阳光灿烂的日子里:吃粽子,得甜蜜;看龙舟,好运收;饮雄黄,逐小人;转短信,好运势。 2、 端午节,送你一个快乐粽子,先帮你剥掉工作的烦恼,剥掉生活的烦恼,剥掉脸上的沉闷,好了,剩下幸福的内叶裹紧你,幸运的大米任你吃,端午快乐! 3、 因为一筐鸡蛋,所以勾践伐吴了;因为一杯雄黄酒,所以荆轲刺秦了,因为一只龙舟,所

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19

关于可爱朋友圈说说2023 超可爱萌翻了的说说

1、我能摸摸你的校徽吗?你竟然把袭胸说得这么清新脱俗! 2、你知道我的缺点吗?缺点你。 3、 我保持年轻方法就是谎报年龄。 4、 你的无情造就了我现在的无义 5、 评论抽一个人跟我谈恋爱没别的让你体会什么是人生不幸什么是情感厄运 6、 我看着满街的情侣啊,想来想去还是不出去伤害他们了,我怕那些男的都后悔已经有对象了。 7、 不笑运气差一笑脸就大。 8、 爱我者必定暴

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19

肚子疼的心情一句话 半夜肚子痛醒的说说

1.不想承认自己变老,但是越来越抵不得冷了,前几天结冰吃了点冷的就引发肠胃炎,又冷肚子又疼,现在好期待春天快点来临 2.肚子疼,从开学疼到现在,痛到啥都不想干,我太难了。 3.早上买的包子好辣,豆浆又很冰,我现在肚子疼。 4.肠胃炎又闹了小半夜,奇葩的是我一直在饿,就是一直上吐下泻的状态我都还想着吃 5.大姨妈腰酸肚子疼就算了,挤着地铁还要听某些熊孩子

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19

自驾游心情短语 自驾游心情好的句子

1.浑茫无际的夜晚,铁板一块的夜晚,因为这只小鸟的轻啼而开始破碎。各种属于白昼的声音,从破碎的夜晚的缝隙中迸然而出。 2.宅在家里才是对长假的最大贡献,不难为交警,不难为清洁工,不难为保险公司,不难为汽油资源,更不难为高速不收费了。下次不敢了,我错了!真心不该占国家便宜了。 3.要是有一天我发现我弄丢你了,我会满世界的去找你你一定要站在我看得见的

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19

伤感励志说说人生感悟短句 励志中带点悲伤的句子

1.逃避现实的人,未来就会不那么理想。 2.命运总是留给有准备的人。 3.当你爱我的时候,我就拼命的爱你。但如果你不爱我了,我就立刻止损,绝不犯贱。爱情这种事情,是你情我愿的,两个人相爱才叫爱情,只有一个人贴上去,那还不如趁早相忘江湖。平凡人有平凡人的浪漫,不需要惊天动地,而是天长日久因为让你记忆最深刻的不是爱情,陪伴你度过最久时间的,才是爱情

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19

从此以后一个人的说说短句 以后一个人过的说说心情

1.有时候喜欢一个人走有时候害怕一个人走出来就能看到一个满眼都是你的人想想也挺期待的今天也是孤独的一天。 2.以后还有很漫长很漫长的路途都要一个人走完。都要靠自己。凭借自己的能力去完成。而不是依靠谁。 3.这么多年自己一个人多大风多大浪都挺过来了以后更要努力做自己想做的想自己所做的。 4.如果不能爱就不要用爱情去破坏对一个人的感觉留个人给以后的自己

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19


1.真诚祝福传递你,愿你开心永如意,生日快乐歌一曲,愿你幸福没问题。 2.还是要长大的可爱不是长久之计。 3.往事不回头,未来不将就,愿眼中总有光芒,愿自己活成想要的模样。 4.大寿星,我祝你所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的等候都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现。 5.都说流星可以有求必应,如果可以我愿意在夜空下等待,等到一颗星星被我感动,为我

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19

关于坐飞机的唯美句子 准备登机的心情说说简短

1.一时冲动就回来了,以至于我现在在机场待了一个多小时..蠢死了... 2.在机场等了大半天才坐上大巴~下车后边逛边找住的地方 3.月儿不知何时藏了起来,太阳的光依旧明亮,日光如同礼花照白了天际。 4.飞机起飞和降落前要打开遮光板收起小桌板调直座椅靠背,这些措施都是为了在飞机发生意外时便于机上人员逃生。打开遮光板是为了让营救的人确定机舱内人员的情况,也可

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19


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