





In the heart of majority of Americans, Mark Twaining is a great writer that has to investigate spirit, patriotic passionate and romantic qualities and humorous style of writing, but in the my eyes, he is a person who becomes misanthropic of society, sarcastic asperity because of deeply being subjected to stroke of the life tragedy.

Mark Twain from cradle to the grave in have more than 1/3 time the wave vestige whole the United States, then visit a world by the identity week of the writer and the speech house thereafter.Mark Twain Wen Yuan Ming to fill Mou Er?The boon of Lang He?Gram Si in the Lai door, his pen name draws from he does on board in the steam the man-hour hears of signal language.

In the Mark Twain youth's ages, river valley in Mississippi is the geography center of the United States, also the transportation aorta that is American central part, a great deal of goods at here gather to spread.In 1857, youth's Mark Twaining was a steam a small navigator on board to step to go into river valley in Mississippi, this world.On this work post, he came in contact with various persons and saw a versatile world.All all theses, to the his later work creation deep influence.

After civil war breaks out, Mark Twain and then left river valley in Mississippi, joined a southern nation allied visit shot of brigade.But that troops thinks that the square tries to avoid engaging with enemy's soldier.Mark Twained angry's ground to leave that troops.

He arrives at the west again, is panned for gold hot temptation in the Nevada, join to arrive row or columns in it, but finally encountered failure but feel dispirited and discouraged.

In bankrupt and disappointed remaining, he accepted for the Fu Ji Ni second city 《the territory development reports 》 is the reporter's work and from now on and then stepped on literary road.Mark?The knife that vomits to start to be small trying a cow, but Be forced to leave this city because of writing some sharp commentary articles, escape the Sa carat gold mine area that give valley in the door to temporary take shelter from the wind a head.He makes him be accepted in the west coast region to the pioneers there copying.

In 1864 with 1865 it hand over of winter, Mark Twaining is at Anne the Ji Er Si mineral the area spend.Is boring medium, he recorded a description to hear on that day of a record of story-this record come to a decision him whole life the development direction of the business:

"The section Er Man is used his to jump a frog-and stranger's wager USD 50-stranger didn't jump a frog, the section Er Man was given him the lane a -the stranger make use of to play the jumping of section frog belly cramming lead for this period of time, so, the jumping of section leapfrog doesn't get up, the frog of jumping of stranger has to to win."

After mark?After vomiting rewriting of, this story ascends on the newspaper of the whole the United States and became widely known"the card pulls Wei to pull a Si county to well-knownly jump a frog".Go to this, Mark Twaining was the reputation of"Pacific Ocean unrestrained humorous master in the coast" to establish in the whole country.

Two years after, he is from New York City and took steam ship in"Philadelphia" to Europe and holy land to carry on a sightseeing voyage.Mark Twaining is a reporter of newspaper in California be appointed to together with make sight-seeing trip a regiment interview.He takes into Bi to some artists who are admired by person and the art delicacies thin, even also presume to take into by besmirching sexual language of expression to insult to the religious holy land.After returning to country, more and more newspaper start publishing his article, is subjected to whole Americanses' fancy.

At the age of 36, Mark Twain to start settling in the Kang Nie Di space the state admire blessing virtuous town especially, all of his second to none works publish within that period of time.

1876 his 《Tom?The Suo is second 》publication, soon become American stories for children of classic of make, almost like 《declaration of independence 》 became the United States school today inside of necessarily study originally.After, admire the gram become a be thought by many people to is host's Mr. in the book of the work of depiction American that succeeds most .

Mark?The whole life that vomits all covers with in the shadow of tragedy, own close relatives one after another die.The person who laughs heartily the whole world by himself[herself] but satisfied tasted human life of sad.He the morals preachment in the earlier period work once wrapped humorous jacket of 1 F, the humor changed now mordacity of irony.He points out that the mankind should abandon religion imagination, depend on to depend on oneself but isn't god's strength to create a more fine world.But his last fantasized to arrive to seem to be also to fall through afterwards.Dictate autobiography in the old age in, express he extremely despairing mood, hope from the distress of material life of be set free.


Mark Twain, the mirror of American, born in the small village of Florida, Missouri in 1835, and died in Hartford in 1910. His 75 years of suffering life has experienced the mostly part of history of American like industrial economic development, Civil War, gold rush and western expansion and so on.

There is no doubt that Twain witnessed the rise and decline of country of America. The most important period of Twain’s life may begin at 1857. He became a cub pilot on a steamboat, that four and a half years in the steamboat marked the real beginning of his education. After decline of steamboat commerce, he left the river country to join the Civil War for two weeks. Then, he went west and succumbed to the epidemic of gold rush in Nevada. Eight months later, broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reported with the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise. In the year of 1864, he boarded the stagecoach for San Francisco. One years later, his first famous work Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County was published. Then in 1876, the opportunity came for him to take a distinctly American to look at the world. Upon his return to states, the version of travels, The Innocents Abroad, became an instant best-seller. At the age of 36 Twain settled in Hartford. His best books, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, were published while he lived there.

Although bitterness fed on the man, he was always struggling against difficulty in his whole life. And most important, he brought us lots of spiritual enlightenment in revelation.







关于2023儿童节快乐说说 六一发朋友圈祝福语

1、没有香水,没有首饰,也不涂指甲油。没有香烟,没有钱夹,也不带银行卡。让我们回归最天然的童真,不戴面具,真心的踏实的好好体验一个儿童节吧! 2、微笑,在花枝绽放;童趣,在蝴蝶的翅膀招摇;成长,伸进幸福的土壤,汲取着营养;梦想,像蒲公英蓝天飞翔;童年美好,六一愿你找回童趣,快乐徜徉。 3、可曾记得童年飞舞的风筝,可曾记得童年飞驰的滑轮,可曾记得童

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1.浑茫无际的夜晚,铁板一块的夜晚,因为这只小鸟的轻啼而开始破碎。各种属于白昼的声音,从破碎的夜晚的缝隙中迸然而出。 2.宅在家里才是对长假的最大贡献,不难为交警,不难为清洁工,不难为保险公司,不难为汽油资源,更不难为高速不收费了。下次不敢了,我错了!真心不该占国家便宜了。 3.要是有一天我发现我弄丢你了,我会满世界的去找你你一定要站在我看得见的

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1.逃避现实的人,未来就会不那么理想。 2.命运总是留给有准备的人。 3.当你爱我的时候,我就拼命的爱你。但如果你不爱我了,我就立刻止损,绝不犯贱。爱情这种事情,是你情我愿的,两个人相爱才叫爱情,只有一个人贴上去,那还不如趁早相忘江湖。平凡人有平凡人的浪漫,不需要惊天动地,而是天长日久因为让你记忆最深刻的不是爱情,陪伴你度过最久时间的,才是爱情

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从此以后一个人的说说短句 以后一个人过的说说心情

1.有时候喜欢一个人走有时候害怕一个人走出来就能看到一个满眼都是你的人想想也挺期待的今天也是孤独的一天。 2.以后还有很漫长很漫长的路途都要一个人走完。都要靠自己。凭借自己的能力去完成。而不是依靠谁。 3.这么多年自己一个人多大风多大浪都挺过来了以后更要努力做自己想做的想自己所做的。 4.如果不能爱就不要用爱情去破坏对一个人的感觉留个人给以后的自己

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19


1.真诚祝福传递你,愿你开心永如意,生日快乐歌一曲,愿你幸福没问题。 2.还是要长大的可爱不是长久之计。 3.往事不回头,未来不将就,愿眼中总有光芒,愿自己活成想要的模样。 4.大寿星,我祝你所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的等候都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现。 5.都说流星可以有求必应,如果可以我愿意在夜空下等待,等到一颗星星被我感动,为我

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关于坐飞机的唯美句子 准备登机的心情说说简短

1.一时冲动就回来了,以至于我现在在机场待了一个多小时..蠢死了... 2.在机场等了大半天才坐上大巴~下车后边逛边找住的地方 3.月儿不知何时藏了起来,太阳的光依旧明亮,日光如同礼花照白了天际。 4.飞机起飞和降落前要打开遮光板收起小桌板调直座椅靠背,这些措施都是为了在飞机发生意外时便于机上人员逃生。打开遮光板是为了让营救的人确定机舱内人员的情况,也可

艺考 经典句子2023/3/19


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