勇担时代使命 矢志砥砺成才

勇担时代使命 矢志砥砺成才



勇担时代使命 矢志砥砺成才



校长 赵东福教授


Bravely Shoulder the Missions of the Era and Aspire to Success

—Speech at the Opening Ceremony for Freshmen of 2021 and the Military Training Mobilization Conference

By Prof. Zhao Dongfu

President of Zhejiang University of Science &Technology

25 October 2021



Today, the Opening Ceremony for Students of 2021 and the Military Training Mobilization Conference is formally held on Anji campus on the spot and Xiaoheshan campus via video link simultaneously. We will witness 4259 freshmen, 635 new postgraduates and 345 international students becoming new Zusters. First of all, on behalf of ZUST, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to you and pay high tribute to your parents and previous teachers who have nurtured and accompanied you. I also wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to our supportive leaders, Anji County CPC Committee and government, our cooperative universities worldwide and friends in various social circles. To army soldiers who will be our military trainers, I give you my warmest greetings and best regards!


Just now, the leader of Anji county, the representatives of freshmen, senior students,the international students, teachers, and the army leader have respectively given wonderful speeches, delivering their recognition of our university and their high expectations for its future development. They have shown their affections to ZUST and expressed their ardent expectations on our students. University leaders have solemnly adorned the freshmen representatives with the university badges and our freshmen will soon begin the military training for two weeks, symbolizing the start of a new life journey at ZUST.


Zhejiang University of Science and Technology is a modern university with characteristic features, deep connotations and committed missions which grows out of the tide of China’s reform and opening-up. After years of exploration and practice, ZUST has gradually formed its unique university-running character with the bloodline of Zhejiang University, the historical connection with Germany and the particular geographic position in Zhejiang province. Originated from Zhejiang University and initially founded by Zhejiang University in 1980, ZUST has inherited its “truth-seeking” spirit and its traditions. With a history of 36 years of Sino-German cooperation, ZUST thrives during its collaboration with German universities and has been devoted to building a modern application-oriented university with “German model and Chinese characteristics”, playing an important role in the construction and development of applied universities in China. The Sino-German cooperation in ZUST has been at the forefront of universities in China. We have become an important channel of educational, sci-tech and cultural exchanges and cooperation with Germany in Zhejiang Province and even nationwide. We have also been in the front rank among higher education institutions in Zhejiang Province in terms of overall internationalization level. Rooted in China, our discipline layout caters to the needs of economic and social development in Zhejiang Province. Therefore, ZUST has been designated as one of the first institutions to carry out the “Excellent Engineers Education and Training Plan” by the Ministry of Education, and we are also enlisted in the “Education Modernization Project—Industry-University Integration” program during the 13th National Five-year Plan. After over 40 years of development, ZUST has become an important base for advanced application-oriented and internationalized talent training in Zhejiang province. At this new historical starting point, we will upgrade ourselves and strive to be the benchmark and an “important channel” of high-quality application-oriented universities in China.


Dear students, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Reviewing the 100-year history of the Party, we can deeply understand the unswerving aspiration and mission of the Communist Party of China along with the magnificent development and progress of the country. With the firm leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we have calmly responded to the big test of epidemic situation, built a well-off society, and started a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Every generation has its own mission and responsibility. You are a new generation who enter the university at the historical intersection of the “two centennials” goals. You are in the most precious stage of growth in your life, in a period with changes unseen in a century. Here, on behalf of the university, I would like to put forward five expectations and requirements.


First, respect science and cherish life. Dear students, the impact of the coronavirus epidemic is widespread and far-reaching. The COVID-19 prevention and control are complicated and keep changing, and the epidemic is still spreading all over the world. The risk of sporadic cases and local outbreaks in China still exists. This is why the opening ceremony originally scheduled in mid-September has been postponed to today. At present, a new round of epidemic has spread to 11 provinces, which shows that the situation is still serious, and our task for epidemic prevention and control is still arduous. I hope that you will carry forward the great anti-epidemic spirit, put health first, keep fit, take part in the military training seriously, prevent and control COVID-19 in a scientific way, and be confident to overcome difficulties. Meanwhile, you should study diligently with the determination of being a great asset to your society.


Second, be keen on reading and thinking, seek truth and advocate morality. Dear students, university education is an important step leading you to be mature and independent, and also an important stage for you to cultivate scientific literacy and humanistic spirit. Whether you are an undergraduate or a graduate student, I hope you read extensively in philosophy, history, humanities, art, nature and society while acquiring your professional knowledge well. You should be diligent in thinking. Think more about the purpose and value of life, history and reality, humanities and society, nature and the world. In reading, thinking and perceiving, you will enhance the ability of discrimination, establish a correct outlook on life, the world and value, and strive to be a qualified constructor and successor of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


Third, practice with courage and pursue excellence. Dear students, practice is the most significant feature of education and teaching in applied universities, and it is also an effective way for students to grow into talents. I hope all undergraduate students can learn by practicing and practice by learning, actively stepping out of the small classroom into “the big classroom” of society. When you solve practical problems with theoretical knowledge, enrich professional cognition with practical experience, you will develop in an all-round way, pursue excellence, and become first-class applied talents with practical ability, innovative spirit, international vision and social responsibility.


Fourth, be innovative, practical and be committed to serve the society. Dear students, innovation is the soul of graduate education. Application-oriented research is the main direction of scientific research in applied universities. All graduate students are expected to learn from the research and conduct the research in learning. In this way, you can always gain a deeper insight into the general trends of sic-tech and industry. I hope you can be innovative and courageous to start a business, focusing on the common key industrial technologies, major practical problems of social development, and concentrating on the bottlenecks of technologies; write your papers on the land of Zhejiang and realize your blueprints in your production workshops. Based on the local industry, you can devote yourselves to serving the economic and industrial development in Zhejiang.


Fifth, embrace inclusiveness, mutual learning and our shared future. Dear all, the COVID-19 pandemic shows again that we live in one global village, where we are a community of shared destiny. International students are ambassadors to different civilizations and bridges of communication between different countries. I hope all international students can learn in communication and communicate in learning. While learning languages and professional knowledge, you can promote communications between different cultures and countries. You can make contribution to better people-to-people exchanges and closer people-to-people ties worldwide with mutual understanding and respect, support and mutual learning.


Dear students, the ideal of a university is to enable each and every student to realize his or her dreams. ZUST will be a special stop in your life journey. I hope you can bear in mind and fulfil the spirit of the university motto——“Virtue and Truth, Creativity and Practicality”, bravely shoulder the missions of the era and aspire to success. I wish all the students a worthwhile and fruitful journey at ZUST!


Finally, I wish all the leaders, guestsand friends present at today’s ceremonygood health, a successful career and a happy life!


Thank you!

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文案 | 学校办公室

图片 |尹 媛

今日编辑 | 吴歆怡、罗 倩

责编 |董 苗

责审 | 尤永杰

终审 | 宋 珂









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